Thursday 21 March 2019

Ted Talk by Mariana Atencio

There our differences that simply suck. And it is hard to find Positive in them. But you can't let those differences define you.

Being able to reimagine yourself beyond what other people say - that is the toughest task of all. But also the most beautiful. 

Sometimes the society tells us or we tell ourselves that we don't fit the mould.
You see, we all come to this world in a body, people with physical or neurological difficulties, environmentally impacted communities, immigrants, boys, girls, boys who want to dress as girls, girls with veils, women who have been sexually assaulted, athletes who bend their knee as a sign of protest, black, white, Asian, Native American, my sister, you or me — we all want what everyone wants: to dream and to achieve.
Nobody has a claim on the word normal. We are all different, we are all quirky and unique and that is what makes us wonderfully human.

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