Wednesday 14 December 2022

Diaries on VBA- Scripting Dictionary


1. Part 1- Basics of Dictionary

a) Dictionary is used to assign a value to a key/item


i) If I want to create Gowtham as new dictionary

Dim Gowtham as Newdictionary

ii) Add items to the dictionary Gowtham

For Eg. I want to assign 1 to a, 2 to b

gowtham. add(a,1)

gowtham. add(a,2)

c) When a key is not already declared and is called later, it will get created in dictionary

For Eg,

Sub usedictionary()

Dim dict As New Dictionary

dict.Add "a", 1

dict.Add "b", 2

dict.Add "c", 3

dict("d") = dict("d") + 100

Debug.Print dict("d")


End Sub

..., the above code will print 100 

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