Chapter 2 : The Silver Lining
During the financial crisis of 2008 the author was asked are there opportunities to create new companies in this turbulent economy?
The answer of the author :
This is the best time. When times are bad is when the real enterprenuers image. Entrepreneurs don't really care if the market up or down point they are creating better products and better processes. So when somebody says there is less opportunity now because they are losers
In times of economic uncertainty, people get creative. They break out of their comfort zones and take initiative to help make ends meet. It is a matter of good old - patient American entrepreneurialism at its best. When the going gets, tough the tough gets going
In the words of Paul Zane pilzer
" Traditional wisdom in the second half of the twentieth century was to go to school, get a good education and to go to work for a large company. The idea of going into business for yourself was most often regarded as kiski. Admirable perhaps but risky and maybe a little crazy . Today is completely the other way around"
People are waking up to the fact that they want more control over the lights. They want to be more connected to their families come be in charge of they want time, work from them homes, determine their own destiny. In a research study, 84% of respondents said that they would be passionate about their work if they want they want owned their own business. The number one reason they give for wanting to work for themselves is to be more passionate about their work life
There may be economic hard times for the majority, but for some entrepreneurs - the ones who are open minded enough to understand what I am going to explain in the next few chapters - these are times pregnant with Economic potential. Not only is now the time to have your own business, but in fact come they have never been a better time than right now, today
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. And if that's true then that leaves you to questions.
First: Are you willing to be tough?
And if you answer is yes, then question number 2 is get going doing what?
I can't answer that first question for you, but I know exactly how to answer second one. Answering that question is what this book is all about.
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