Monday, 31 December 2018

Dr.Jitendhra Collections

1. How to have a happy attitude always

1.Begin any action you do with an attitude that you can do it your unmindful of the hurdles you are going to face.

2. Distance yourself from people, who discourage you from accomplishing your goals

3. Understand that rejection and failure is a very normal and common thing.

Be aware that you yourself rejected four mobiles to pick a 5th mobile of your choice.

4. Aim for constant improvement; not for perfection

5. First be thankful for what you have. Add value to the things that you have. Be worthy for your existing fortunes. If not your existing fortunes will question what have you done for me, to expect more.

6. Have confident and positive conversations within yourself

7. Present moment is enormous. Everyday offers an opportunity to change your life.

However life may appear to be difficult, there is always something you can try and succeed at
- Stephen Hawking

2. How to be foccussed?

3. Stages in getting Expertise

a. Acquiring interest ( Should not be out of  "Shinning apple syndrome")

b. Acquiring knowledge ( Getting exposed to the know-how. This is just tip of the ice-berg)

c. Developing skill (This is the trickiest part. It is repeated practice of knowledge and internalizing the knowledge through repeated practice. Here is where most people give-up)

d. Exhibit (Beat the syndrome of getting frustrated with practice by showcasing and staging what you have learnt in a forum that could motivate you to learn further)

4. You are not the centre of the world


annotationWorld will discard you, if you become onerous to them


annotationDont think that if you are not there, a particular thing will not be done. There are always alternatives and You are not irreplaceable


annotationDo things for our own happiness and for your own curiosity and passion


annotationDhoni's finisher six in 2011- His thought process would have been: -The ball appeared it could be a hit for a six. Hence I dared and hit. It worked out. It was nothing like a do or die moment


annotationRealise you are no so important. Play your game happily

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